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  • What is Art Therapy?
    Art Therapy is a combination of art and psychology and is a healing process that uses images, art media, and creativity and can be a wonderful tool to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Art provides a new language for the verbally challenged.
  • Should I know Art to join Art Therapy?
    No. There are absolutely no prior art skills required. Art is only a means to express subconscious feelings which may be challenging to share. Images influence emotion, thoughts, and well-being, and how the brain-body reacts to the experience of drawing, painting, or other art activities clarifies why art therapy may be effective with various populations.
  • How does art therapy work?
    Stimulates imagination and creativity, develops healthy coping skills and focus, increases self esteem and confidence, clarifies issues and concerns, increases communication skills, ability to share a safe nurturing environment, assists with development of motor skills and physical co-ordination, ability to identify feelings and blocks to emotional expression and personal growth.
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